a fun, simple tool for couples to recapture the closeness of deep conversation
a fun, simple tool for couples to recapture the closeness of deep conversation
Thoughtfully crafted. Artfully designed. Dynamically unique.
A simple tool for creative, productive dialogue
Casually brought on a date and placed on the table, the craftsman leather pouch, tactilely thick cards, and thoughtfully worded questions invite you and your partner into a playfully engaged conversation that deepens your connection.
Conversation Cards for Couples - 48 question cards - 4 categories
Road Trips. Date nights.
Conversation Cards for PARENTS - 48 questions cards - 2 categories
So often, when couples actually have time to really talk, time is easily spent reporting the latest details of the calendar and chatting about work, in-laws, or kids.
What was once an energetic relationship could end up feeling more like conversational numbness.
We passionately created a tool to bring back relational closeness through deeper, more real conversations. Pursuing a deeper knowing of your spouse will feel purposeful and will lead to growth, development, and maturity.
Rather than "one time" questions, Defy Drift cards are categorized to stimulate up-to-date creative, productive dialogue:
This card deck includes TWO categories:
COLLABORATE - used between MOM and DAD to better understand each other's parenting practices and deepen the commitment to parenting together
SHAPE - used between PARENT and CHILD to deepen understanding of child's point of view and gain influence through understanding and wisdom
On long road trips from Atlanta to Texas to visit family over the last fifteen years, my husband and I would begin the car ride chatting and catching up on the current events of our household, kids activities, and work related topics. After two hours of quick conversations, the silence would eventually set in as we discovered we had come to the end of our “catching up”…with 12 hours left to go!
The silence was a signal we both noticed. On one occasion, after sitting in the awkward silence for a while, Todd turned to me and asked a witty, open ended question that reminded me of when we were dating. It reminded me of the chase, the back and forth obsession of getting to know someone who you are interested in. We wrote that question down and over the years kept adding to the list of questions. We called them “road trip conversations”.
We often talk about the questions to couples and finally decided to take the paper list from my car and make them available to the world. We are grateful for your support and we hope you find these questions a helpful tool in creating connection with your spouse.
Todd and Beverly Sandel
Todd is the founder of The SouthCity Group and a licensed marriage and family therapist. Together, we are passionate about helping couples defy the natural drift that happens and recapture the thrill of being together.
We are an executive coaching and leadership architect firm built to help leaders galvanize greatness in themselves, their teams, and their organizations.
We bring leaders and their spouses to bucket-list destinations and intentionally blend physical fitness, novelty adventure, and marriage leadership principles. Please contact beverly@defydrift.com for more details on how to sign up.
If you are a leader and want to learn more about The SouthCity Group executive coaching or leadership consultation services, or if you're wanting to bring a group of leaders and their spouses on an epic marriage vacation, please visit our SouthCity Group website.